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JoomSport for Joomla! 5.4.1

Right after we have published the release for WordPress we also glad to announce the Joomla! CMS based JoomSport update. Here is the overview of the functionality we delivered:

Timeline Live update 

Information about Player events and substitutes will be automatically updated on Timeline on match page, if match status is marked as "Live". This feature is delivered as a part of our strategy preparing for EURO 2020 by providing the better integration with the EURO 2021 API data package by Statorium football API.


  • Player page speed load performance significant improvements
  • Highlight places in standings module
  • Date filter for Today Matches section
  • Matchday name to be displayed on Match page - Optionally
  • Multilanguage for newly added fields
  • Ability to display country as a additional field in Roster
  • Person, Player, Venue, Team. Do not show tab photos if there is one photo only
  • Order events in statistic tab on Player page
  • CSS Match page improvements
  • User icon removed from match comments

Certainly bugfixes:

  • Extra time is not working Live commentary
  • Add matchday name to match page
  • Scroll matches module CSS issue
  • Matchday order specifed in BE applied in Search option (Calendar page)
  • Person Extra field option "Do not display in Roster" doesn't work


Please update your version. If you have any ideas or suggestions how to improve JoomSport product please don't hesitate to share it on JoomSport feedback page and we will definitely consider it. Feel free to contact us by Chat or HelpDesk if any questions appear.

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JoomSport for Joomla! 5.3.4 security release, Football and Hockey tricks

The time has come to update JoomSport version for Joomla! CMS. We did our best to deliver worth features to new version. Please enjoy!


Flexibility of Team names display

Developed new default fields for team (Short name, Middle size name) will deliver full flexibility to show different Team names in the Standings and Player stats module. Forget about ugly views with long and badly proportioned Team names. Enter all possible Team names and use required one in full accordance with your design. Specific option to choose name that will be displayed on Mobile devices will make website page 100% percent mobile friendly.

Adjusted Player profile

We implemented new default fields for player (Short name, Home Country name) that allow to display Player names all over the front pages as well as in JoomSport modules.
Optional new system field “System Player number” will help you to manage Players numbers once they are related not only to Season but also to Team.

All the fields added helps to make the perfect integration between JoomSport and our new Statorium football API data service.

Secondary Player event stats. Own goals

  • Related Event stats for Player is added. Once you associate events stats with another one on event settings page you will get correct display of such stats as Assists. Available for Live commentary and FE management functionality.
  • New way to display Events related to opposite Team e.g. Own Goal. Make sure you configure it in JoomSport settings.

Minor improvements:

  • Width of data field optimized on Matchday page
  • Player Roster CSS adjusted
  • Matchday navigation on BE
  • Scroll module CSS improvements

Certainly bugfixes:

  • Number of vulnerabilities fixed. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for all clients to update.
  • Matchday management for Team moderator
  • Win Games Ranking criteria can't be removed
  • Box score bugs
  • Link type Extra field fix
  • Extra time save issue


Please make sure that you update your version.

Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions on JoomSport feedback page and we will definitely consider it. Don't hesitate to contact us by Chat or HelpDesk or Forum if any questions appear.

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JoomSport 5.2.2 for Joomla! CMS - Football Data API and more

Football (soccer) Data API connector

Over last month our team worked on Data API integration with Soccer data feeds provider. There over 800 soccer league supported. The functionality is quite comprehensive so let us explain what services we offer at this stage:

Import primary database

Script allows you to import the following data into JoomSport database: Players, Teams, team Rosters, Venues, league schedule. Data can be uploaded either to clean database or you can connect imported players, teams or venues with the items that you have already created inside JoomSport.

Update league matches details

Keep your matches updated at a click of a button. Besides score there is no more need to enter manually the following data.

Player stats:

  • Red/Yellow card
  • Double Yellow card
  • Assist
  • Goal
  • Own Goal
  • Penalty
  • Missed Penalty
  • Substitution*
  • Squad*
  • Coach*

Team stats:

  • Saves
  • Offsides
  • Fouls
  • Shot attempts
  • Own goal attempts
  • Corners
  • Attacks
  • Dangerous attacks

* Data is not supported in some local soccer Leagues

Real time automatic update

In nearest future we are planning to release real time update script, so all matches score and details will be updated automatically in online environments. Using this functionality you are free from manual updating Match results and other Statistics but at the same time your website will be always up-to-date. 

Please pay your attention that API data is additionally paid service. The price is based on league coverage.

Request soccer API data estimate

Front End management styles and UI redesign

One more piece of good news is that FE management layouts are is totally renewed. User-friendly mobile responsive and modern interface makes Season admins and Team moderator work much easier. There are some improvements planned, we keep working on this functionality to make it perfect.


Box score and Player events are connected now.

After reading your feedback we implemented Box score and Player event connector. You can now easily assign any Player Event to Box score so it will be calculated automatically and there is no need to insert same stats value twice.


  • Box score is added to Player stats module
  • Adjusted dropdown lists size
  • Styling is adjusted for third party templates
  • Adjusted timeline size
  • Translation updated for Dutch, Slovenian, German, Arabic, Spanish, Polish, Russian (special thanks to our translators that support us on Transifex)

Bug fixing

  • Warnings on Person categories and Players pages
  • Match event number on FE CSS fix
  • Team page is not opened for All Seasons value
  • Groups sorting is not following any rules in Roster – multilanguage issue
  • Season admin can’t edit Knockout type Matches
  • Extra field is not working in French
  • Live match score is not updated on mobile devices
  • Prediction user ID is lost


Please update your JoomSport version. If you have any ideas or suggestions how to improve JoomSport product please don't hesitate to share it on JoomSport feedback page and we will definitely consider it. Feel free to contact us by Chat or HelpDesk or Forum if any questions appear.

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JoomSport for Joomla 5.1 - display cool Roster in a separate tab!

Please welcome the new JoomSport for Joomla release! This time we decided not to wait for a long time collecting a lot of features but delivered one cool item with number of bugfixes. Let's check the details of what was delivered in the latest release:


Team Roster

We have ported a new advanced view for Team roster from our WordPress product, something that became very popular on club's web sites recently. It includes ability to display players' photos in a professional way with their Number and other additional information. Also you can group players by any selected extra field, for example position or role.

sport team roster



Finally we are happy to introduce the full list of applied improvements and bugfixes included into version 5.1: 


• Add ability to manage bonus points in Live matches
• Box score FE management improved css
• Add additional time format for player events
• Live match displayed for Knockout

Bug fixes:
• Minor adjustments for Front end management styling
• Squad editing in Live match
• Predictions - Round Submission CSS fixes
• Predictions - Submission time correction
• Search in person Menu
• Matchday layout for friendly match
• Show live ticker during the first load
• When create Match as Season admin on FE - Venue is not saved
• Season admin can not manage Complex knockout via FE
• Different format for displaying bonus points


Please download the new version from your Members Area. If you have any ideas or suggestions how to improve JoomSport product please don't hesitate to share it on JoomSport feedback page and we will be glad to have a discussion. Feel free to contact us if any questions appear.

Thank you for being with us!

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Major release JoomSport 5.0.4 is available

We know you’ve been waiting ages for us to publish the new JoomSport for Joomla version. We have done a long way to bring the high demanded release to production - we changed many aspects serving our clients to bring the best customer experience and keep going with the product development. 

Let's check the details of what was delivered in the latest release:

Live matches feature

Now live match streaming is available in JoomSport. There is new "Live" tab where match details and comments are posted by Season admin. It is connected to Facebook, Twitter and could be also just the new way how to manage your game details via front end.

Standings columns shorten names 

Now Standings layout much more adaptive to the screen size and displays shortened column names accordingly to screen resolution. The software analyzes the width available during the page load and displays the full or shortened names according to the space available. There is also ability to edit shortened names in language files.

New icons set

As you might have noticed already the new release is also loaded with completely new flat icons set. Professional look and feel is something you can expect from every point of our software now!

Vertical Timeline for goals and cards

Among new features the new vertical timeline has been implemented. Once you assign time to every player event in game you will get well organized timeline with modern look and feel.


New date type extra field allows to enter birth date that will be displayed as age or birthday on FE.

Completely new knockout design delivered. Clean, simple and accurate.

Finally we are happy to introduce the full list of applied improvements and bugfixes included into version 5.0.4: 


• Persons, such as coach or managers can be added to Team Roster cards
• Box score total flexible calculating - New ability to set up each Box score stats item, enable it's columns and totals separately for Team, Match, Player.

• Box score FE management improved css
• Scroll matches module CSS major improvements: new design for game block
• Standings module improvements - shortened names applied
• Team match events management improved in admin panel. You don't need to spend days clicking on drop down for every team level statistic.
• Highlight team feature view improved on standings layout. It is more accurate and simple.
• Display Knockout matchday name on Standings layout
• Bonus points column added to standings
• Multilanguage for groups added

Bug fixes:
• Unpublished Seasons are still displayed
• Team overview stats bug
• Apostrophe in name issue
• Double elimination bug
• Item id is not applied to Current form in Standings module
• Back button is language variable now
• Season table module by Groups bug
• Match Search on Calendar bug
• Players sorting issue on Team page
• Player list sorting issue
• Player stat issue fixed after removing player from team
• Match details pop up fix on Calendar page
• Person assigned to Season bug
• Knockout score bug
• Persons Extra field bug on Quick match create page.


Please download the new version from your Members Area. If you have any ideas or suggestions how to improve JoomSport product please don't hesitate to share it on JoomSport feedback page and we will be glad to have a discussion. Feel free to contact us if any questions appear.

Thank you for being with us!

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JoomSport 4.3.1 Major release

Persons and multilingual content

During the past few months we've been analyzing and gathering your requests on our feedback page. We've been working really hard to deliver the most required and useful features and improvements in our new Joomla JoomSport release. The most exciting one is highly demanded section Persons, that allows managing Referees, Coaches and all other staff with their own profile page including photo or any needed additional information. Ability to create Person type Extra field allows assigning Persons to required item for example to Team, to Match or even to Venue.

For those of you who need ability to manage sport website on different languages we are glad to announce that now you can finally do so using JoomSport multilingual content functionality. Already have installed several Joomla languages? Just enable multilingual content functionality in JoomSport configuration section and you will be able to enter JoomSport content in several languages without any difficulties. So Leagues, Teams, Players names etc will be displayed on FE in available languages depending on website user preferences.

Complex knockout with matches set

If you manage Single elimination competition where participant goes to the next stage after several matches don't miss new feature called Set of knockout matches. Now for two participants you can add as many matches as you need before moving the winner to the next round. Ability to switch Home/Away allows organizing most of Playoffs and Cups.

Player out option and translations

Player stats has been adjusted a lot in one of the last version and we do not stop improving it - now as it was requested in Match layout settings you can specify Event that make Player to leave match. For Example once Player gets Red Card his played minutes are not counted anymore in this match.

We have great news for the Arab world - Arabic translation has been added to both sides of JoomSport- Back End and Front End. Spanish, German, Slovak, Polish translations were updated. Thank you everyone involved in translating!

Other improvements and fixes

  • Box score became available for Season admin via FE management
  • Matrix button added to Team layout page
  • Season URL added to Matrix button link, other minor navigation fixes
  • Timeline is displayed only if events are registered in Match
  • Box score bug fixes
  • FE management bug fixes
  • Calendar error for new seasons in ver 4.2.0

JoomSport modules improvements and fixes

Scroll module: For displaying matches ability to specify day range has been added - now you can indicate matches of how many days before or after current date should be displayed in module. We have done a lot of tests and fixes for this module so now it runs like clockwork! Additionally there is no more need to use separate Today matches module - Today matches feature has been included into Scroll module - now you can display matches of today with all Scroll module advantages. Following the improvements delivered we have stopped support of old "Today matches" module.

Players statistics module: we have updated CSS of this module so it looks much more professional and up-to-date.

*Please pay your attention that during reinstalling JoomSport modules you loose already configured JoomSport modules and then you will need to set up reinstalled modules again.

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JoomSport 4.2.0 for Joomla - Box score functionality on board

The version 4.2.0 is a major update for JoomSport software. Besides bug fixes and small improvements JoomSport 4.2.0 includes several very essential and highly demanded features:

Box score stats

Desired and hotly debated on JoomSport feedback page feature that moves player stats management to the next level. Ability to add box score records with variable options (divided into player roles, countable and based on other stat records, simplex or composite, ability to assign parent items, etc.).
We are sure this functionality will be quite helpful for managing data in such sports like hockey basketball, volleyball, American football and many others.

How to use Box score stats effectively please check on our documentation page.

Vertical timeline

In pursuance of our customers' suggestions on JoomSport feedback page we implemented Vertical timeline so the presentation of time events now is more visible on Match details page:

Moreover JoomSport 4.2.0 includes the following improvements and bugfixes:

  • Color legend for Season standings and Season standings module (According to customers suggestions on JoomSport feedback page)
  • Interface improvements

  • Ability to display Box score stats in module Players stats

  • Player list layout menu item, sorting bug

  • Sum of events bug


 Please download new 4.2.0 version from your Members Area. If you have any ideas or suggestions how to improve JoomSport product please don't hesitate to share it on JoomSport feedback page and we will definitely consider it. Feel free to contact us if any questions appear.

Thank you for staying with us!



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JoomSport ver. 4.1.3 - Joomla component minor release

The change log of released JoomSport minor update 4.1.3 includes bug fixes and minor improvements, among them:

  • Native Joomla! CMS updater compatibility
  • The feedback widget linked to our new ideas-board added
  • Match Generator add-on algorithm improvement - now it flips home/away matches
  • Number of fixes for Scroll matches module
  • Player on bench - time statistic fixes
  • Player can move out without substitution, time counting adjustments
  • Language strings and links corrections
  • Matches search filter fix
  • Facebook share button fix
  • Moderator cannot delete matches via Front End

 Please download the new 4.1.3 version from your Members Area.

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New feedback system implemented

Successful utilization of customer feedback is a must-have for any software developer. Customers feedback and ideas is something that should guide and inform decision-making as well as influence the product roadmap.

Until now we were collecting ideas and customer wishes through the different channels including emails, forums, ticket system and even chat that is quite popular among JoomSport users. It was a bit tricky for us to organize all requests and understand where we should move our product development.

Today we introduce the new customer feedback system that we have implemented for our development team and our customers. Shortly we also will add feedback widgets to most of our products so you can easily navigate to the feedback portal from there.

You are welcome to

Submit your ideas or Vote for existing features


We would be glad to hear your feedback!

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JoomSport for Joomla major release 4.1

Each JoomSport major release brings very special feeling to our team - emotion of celebration and proud of achievements. In fact it is the feeling that something important is changing again in our company and in our products and even more - that we actually leave a mark in history.

We're also glad to note that current release is not a trivial code update with some bug fixes but it includes some new WOW features inside. It was very hard to deliver this time - the team had so many discussions, disputes and emotions. Each member of our team hopes that EVERY customer who updates his local instances to the latest 4.1 release will also have this WOW feeling.

Let's go through the list of the changes together:

Improved Player statistic


We have delivered two optional blocks for Player profile page. Played minutes, Lineups, Substitutes, Goals and other Events can be displayed in Career block with flexible columns. This block allows comparing Player performance in different Seasons. Match Statistics block displays Player events by matches.


Matrix add-on

Effective way to display Round Robin fixtures and played matches. There is ability either display Matrix button on Season table or show a separate layout by adding the new Menu item. It is Delivered free of additional charge with the main product package as Matrix doesn't really bring new functionality but combines the way how the current data is presented.

Match timeline

Now match statistics is more useful than ever. Colorful timeline is a perfect visual display of Player events in their sequence. Match duration is used as base scale and event images are stringed on it.

New Calendar Layout

In JoomSport all matches are organized by Matchday and now there is ability to display Calendar by Matchday as well. Matches of separate Matchday on each page. Handy navigation allows getting to the required Matchday without any difficulties. By default Matchday with the most recent match is displayed first. Moreover new module with the same functionality is available in public version.

Mobile App API

Included mobile API will allow each client to purchase and use our future Mobile application product so this is the first step to get mobile application for your club or league.

Languages updates

Updated translation to Spanish (special thanks to Pasionporelrayo project), Slovak, Chinese, Portuguese, Czech, Slovenian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, French and Russian. Many thanks to all the translators who supported us on product localization!

Number of minor improvements and bug fixes

Predictions integration with Knockouts matches, Venue Google API fix, check version algorithm improvement, Match layout order by Player Extra field (Squad tab) doesn't work, unable to delete match custom status, improve knockout layout when branding removed, Today matches edit results are not added to the Season table, Scroll module alignment, fixed CSS for tooltip on calendar, big number inside the score fix, add all teams to the season fix.

Please download the new 4.1.2 version from your Members Area and install it on your website.

Check documentation and demo and if any questions appear feel free to contact our friendly support team any possible way: ChatHelpDeskForum.

We would be glad to hear your feedback.

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