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New JoomSport is Going to Meet Your Expectations

Soon, our whole team will celebrate a new global update of our flagship product JoomSport.

The updated product was inspired by our customers and created for them entirely. We’ve made a lot in order to meet most of your voiced needs and allow you to enjoy the new look and feel of the extension. 

This update, intended for both JoomSport admins and fans, drastically rebuilds the product’s back end and front end. And today we are going to unveil the main features that are going to make JoomSport greatly a new extension.

Latest JoomSport Features

Bootstrap Based Layout

Most importantly, the updated extension has a new advanced tech stack with Bootstrap 3 as the central element. It delivers consistent look for many standard web items, makes the layout of the product fully-responsive and provides you with great user experience on all mobile devices.

New JoomSport

Responsive Add-on is included 

As far as the front end of the extension is based on Bootstrap that doesn’t require developing a stand-alone product for mobile devices, we’ve included Responsive Add-on into the package by default and for free.

Back end Usability

The update improves almost all the sides of our product since the front end and back end improvements go together just hand in hand.

Among other things, the new backed includes a streamlined navigation, convenient and clear configuration, and user-friendly design. The new logical organization of options and their improved appearance flat-out saves your time and efforts.

JoomSport back end menu

Easy Learning Process

While creating the new back end design and new level of usability we considered the entire process of the extension configuration both as a daily routine and learning. Every-day routines are just about experience, while learning requires passion. So, our idea was to make our back end more usable and involving simultaneously.

As a result, now even beginning users will quickly embrace the logic of particular operations and the overall workflow of the JoomSport extension. The whole back end contains numerous notifications, information links, and explanations. The provided documentation contains step-by-step guides linking to even more detailed tutorials, if necessary.

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15 Best Practices for Creating Exciting Sport Leagues Online

Most fans have their favorite kinds of sports or sports leagues and naturally want to follow them online, among other things. Consequently, web site owners need to provide them with a smooth transition from off-line mass media to online sport leagues and vice versa. 

However, online league user experience should give them even more opportunities to get plentiful and detailed information regarding their favorites (players, teams or championships), to socialize, comment and discuss current and past results, to feel in the thick of things, events and people.

It is certainly a complicated task requiring professional sports software. For Joomla web site owners below we present 15 hints to ease this burden and fine-tune league web sites to get plentiful grateful feedback from visitors.

To this purpose you can take advantage of the dedicated software products by BearDev including Joomla! CMS sport extension, JoomSport add-ons and dedicated Joomla templates able to provide you with all necessary features and beyond.

1. Responsive Layout

Nowadays, responsive interface is a mandatory component of great user experience enabling visitors to stay in touch with their hobby or professional activity on the 24/7 basis. Responsive design also makes your Google desktop and mobile rankings more successful.  

JoomSport hint: In order to correspond to the best examples of UI you have to implement responsive Joomla CMS templates, e.g. Joomla responsive sport template Kodiak. You should also make sure that all the extensions used on your site are also responsive. For that you can utilize the JoomSport responsive add-on making all your sport pages mobile friendly.

2. Teams Branding

Team logos added to their names makes content perception more convenient allowing fans to find their teams in seconds within the crowded calendars and Standings.

JoomSport hint: The smallest acceptable size of logo images is 30x30 px. The recommended size of logos in the new coming JoomSport release will be 100x100 px.

3. Photos in Web Site Style

Already known, that users perceive visuals much better than texts and often abandon too long descriptions. You should add multiple photos to players, teams, matches, and venues setting the tone of your professional league in this way.

JoomSport hint: The optimal size of illustrative pictures should be between 200 and 800 px width that is enough for both great  picture quality and site performance. The consistency of photo dimensions within a gallery is also very important since different sizes and aspect ratios of photos make them looking sloppy and unattractive.

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Guest — Oğuz
Great reading, thanks.
Saturday, 11 March 2017 22:49
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