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From Joomla! to WordPress - JoomSport data migration service introduced

Nowadays WordPress platform and community is being developed much more rapidly and massively than Joomla!. As a result WordPress Sport plugin JoomSport is becoming more and more popular and desirable. 

Many customers asked us for solution that allows migrating JoomSport data from Joomla! to WordPress. Since we are experts in sport development for both platforms we have developed special script for JoomSport data migration that helps to import data from one CMS to another.

Using this script we can migrate the following data for you:

- tournaments
- seasons
- teams
- players
- match days with matches
- extra fields

More information about the service you will find on WebShop page.

If you have additional data that should be migrated please contact our team for getting more details about the migration process.

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JomLeague to JoomSport convertor developed

Many years ago we started our JoomSport product because we were choosing some Joomla sport component for our local football team. At that time JomLeague was the most comprehensive and well known league management solution for Joomla. That was the product supported by open community. In spite of the fact that it had a lot of features our developer and co-founder Andrew didn't like much the structure of JomLeague so decided to start their own product idea. That is how JoomSport was started more than eight years ago...

Couple of years ago JomLeague stopped their official support due to the lack of community efforts. The last official release was compatible with Joomla CMS 2.5 only so the community had never received the official JomLeague version with Joomla 3 compatibility.

Recently we had a chance to analyze JoomLeague structure on deeper level as number of clients requested to convert their data from JomLeague to JoomSport. We should state that JoomLeague is really great product and it is a pity it has stopped the development. Honestly saying in some specific cases JoomSport still doesn't have the features that JomLeague had many years ago! At the same time technology doesn't stand still so today we have to notice that JomLeague became quite outdated system, in terms of design and CSS styling at least. So many clients have started looking for the way to convert their data from unsupported system to something new, officially supported and better looking.

Our team is glad to announce that we've managed to develop the script that converts JomLeague data to JoomSport database. We have already converted number of clients who are quite happy with the result and we would be glad to share free the script with anyone interested. Still we need to say that migration process is quite complicated even if you have the script itself and in most cases it takes 3-4 iterations to complete the migration perfectly. So our custom development team is actually ready to provide JomLeague data migration service for anyone interested.

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